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25 Days of Self-Care Bliss

ME Goals! 25 Day Self-care Challenge

25 Days of Self-Care Bliss

Join me for 25 days of self-discovery, rejuvenation, and personal growth! April is stress awareness month, and May is mental health awareness month. Challenge #2 will focus on mental and emotional self-care. Are you ready to explore your stressors and prioritize your mental health? Let's push ourselves to do better and become our best selves, inside and out. Together, we can take intentional steps towards holistic well-being.

This challenge will focus on mental and emotional selfcare. We will also incorporate physical & social activities. It's open to everyone but caters to female entrepreneurs in need of a selfcare refresh. Each week we will try different activities that will strengthen our mind & help us explore our true feelings. Click here to join me!

Week 1 & 2: Mental Self-care

Mental health self-care focuses on nurturing your cognitive & emotional well-being. This involves activities that support your mental health, such as practicing mindfulness, engaging in activities that bring joy, setting boundaries, managing stress, and seeking professional help when needed. It's crucial for maintaining a healthy mindset & emotional balance.

Here are the week 1 & 2 overviews:

Week 1: Stress Management

Week 2: The Art of Joy

Week 2 & 4: Emotional Self-care

Emotional self-care centers on understanding, expressing, and managing your emotions in a healthy way. This may involve practicing self-compassion, acknowledging & validating your feelings, engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment, and building strong emotional connections with others. Emotional self-care promotes emotional resilience & a positive outlook on life.

Here are the week 3 & 4 overviews:

Week 3: Emotional Resilience

Week 2: The Art of Engaging

"Mental health and self-care go hand-in-hand. I don’t feel that you can have one without the other, as they both come together to enhance your wellness." – Tyi Flood, Founder of The AWE Group  

25 Days of Self-Care Bliss


Let's embrace this self-care journey together & inspire others to prioritize their well-being too! Use the hashtag #25DaysofSelfCareBliss to connect with our community & spread the self-love.✨

Are you in?

Challenge Onboarding - Sunday, May 5th

Challenge Starts - Monday, May 6th

Challenge Ends - Friday, May 31st

Official check-in is on Sunday, May 5th. We'll get acquainted & I'll give you more of what to expect. Click here to join me!

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