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4 tips to get your podcast started NOW!

Updated: Mar 28

Are you ready to start your business podcast?

Podcasting has become an increasingly popular form of media consumption. Millions of people tune in to their favorite shows each day on various platforms such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts, iHeartRadio. This industry has tripled since I started back in 2007! This presents a unique opportunity for your business to reach a larger & more engaging audience. Here are a few simple tips to start a podcast for your business:

Tip #1 - Choose a podcast name that stands out.

Your podcast name should be memorable, relevant to your niche, and easy to spell/pronounce.

Can you name it after your business?

CALL-TO-ACTION: Write down a list of name ideas.


Tip #2 - Create high-quality content that is

informative & engaging.

Choose topics that interest your target audience.

What does your audience need to know?

What tips or advice can you give them?

CALL-TO-ACTION: Write down a list of potential show topics.

PRO TIP: Create an outline for each episode so that you have a clear structure & flow. NOT A SCRIPT! Just an overview with bullet points.


"Finding your target audience allows you to tailor your marketing strategies to the right people:" – Tushar Pol, SEO & Content Marketer

Tip #3 - Promote your podcast on social media & other channels

Using social media platforms will help you reach a wider audience. Post audio & video clips, highlight reels, guest promo flyers & episode recaps to keep your audience engaged. Share your podcast on your website and email newsletters.

Feel free to include personal details & examples. The more relatable you or your website is, the more you connect with your readers.

CALL-TO-ACTION: Write down a list of social media platforms & channels you will use to promote.


Tip #4 - Track your results & make adjustments as needed.

Take time each month or week to review your social media & website stats, comments & overall engagement on your podcast. This will help you to monitor your progress and adjust certain areas as you grow.

CALL-TO-ACTION:  Commit to reviewing your stats & insights monthly.


Stop Overthinking & Get Started!

Podcasting is a fantastic way for businesses to reach their audience, with the potential of millions of people tuning in each day.  Consistency is key! Set a regular release schedule and stick to it. Even a short, weekly episode is better than sporadic longer ones. Engage with your listeners: Respond to comments, answer questions, and encourage interaction.

Need more help developing your podcast?

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