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Weekend Selfcare REMINDER!

Updated: Apr 12

Find Balance & Restore Your Energy on the Weekend

Weekends are for selfcare!
Weekends are for selfcare!

I just wanted to remind you to schedule some self-care! 💕  Take a moment right now to think of some recharging with activities you love.

  • Which one of those activities can you realistically do this weekend?

  • What do you need to do to make this happen?

Now, I want you to literally put it on your calendar! Practicing selfcare on the weekend helps us manage stress & sets us up for a more productive start to the new week. 

Things are so fast-paced these days, us women are always getting caught up in our daily lives & entrepreneurial pursuits. A lot of times we struggle to make it through the week. Often we feel like we don't have time to focus on our own sanity. But we must remember to take care of ourselves, ESPECIALLY ON THE WEEKENDS. This 2-day period should be used with intention. This is our time to manage stress & refresh ourselves for the upcoming work week.

Relaxing in backyard
I often spend time relaxing in my backyard on the weekends.

Ladies, we have to remind ourselves that self-care is all about intentionally taking time out to prioritize our mental & physical well-being. If we want to maintain our overall health, SELFCARE IS MANDATORY. Weekend selfcare routines help us recharge and rejuvenate! This is our weekly chance to tackle the challenges of the work week with renewed energy & focus.

So cut off that laptop & put your phone on silent. Set up your boundaries & tell those who it applies to, to back off! (Especially those KIDS!)

Happy Selfcare Weekend!!

What's your selfcare activity or plan for the weekend?

Please share your activity with me in the comments below!

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